Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Smartphone Explodes

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Smartphone Explodes


Today, a Samsung user posted on reddit that his Galaxy S6 edge mobile device exploded. A reddit user by the name of ReturnThroughAether said the incident occurred when he was getting ready for work. 

Woke up this morning (yesterday technically. 12/20) just in time to get ready for work and looked over to find my phone has exploded. Luckily I don't keep it on my bed, as you can see it scorched my night stand. I've talked to Samsung and my carrier. The phone had no problems before, no overheating. I think I'm done with Samsung for a while, really gonna miss the photos I had from Africa in the fall. Dammit Samsung, I was still in your corner after the Note 7 stuff too.                     -ReturnThroughAether

Take a look at what appears to be the reddit user's device below and then let us know your thoughts.

Samsung Galaxy S6 edge Smartphone Explodes

Samsung Galaxy S6 edge Smartphone Explodes

Samsung Galaxy S6 edge Smartphone Explodes

Samsung Galaxy S6 edge Smartphone Explodes

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