HMD confirms Android P update for all Nokia smartphones

HMD confirms Android P update for all Nokia smartphones


HMD confirms Android P update for all Nokia smartphones
Now that Google has released the next version of Android, Android 8.0 Oreo, the wait for the devices to get the update first has already started. Recently Nokia confirmed that they will be updating all the Nokia Android Smartphones to Android 8.0 Oreo (Including Nokia 3, Nokia 5, Nokia 6, and Nokia 8).

Nokia has already started testing the Android 8.0 Oreo Beta update on the Nokia 8 and is expected to roll it out for all the Nokia 8 users by the end of October. The company plans to update all the Nokia Android Smartphones to Android Oreo by the end of 2017.

While the new Android update is on its way, HMD Global has now announced that the current batch Nokia smartphones will also be upgraded to Android P. The announcement came at a launch event in the Philippines, and it's interesting to see HMD promising an update for an unannounced Android version.

Also Read: Nokia 8 to get Android Oreo Soon, Beta Test Is Ongoing

That said, Android P still seems a long way off and don't get your hopes high as HMD can change its decision. However, Android 8.0 Oreo update is on its way and might be released soon for Nokia 8, Nokia 6, Nokia 5, and Nokia 3.

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