Google had a promising start to their new smartphones, Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL impressing everyone right from day one. However, it was from software side where several users of both the phones complained to have issues.
That said, here comes another issue. From the last week or more than, most of Pixel 2 XL users are complaining about an issue which causes faint clicking/buzzing noise during phone calls.
However, turning off the NFC temporarily fixes the problem, but that's annoying.
Finally, a Googler posted in the product forum that the Buzzing Sound fix would be rolling out to the affected Pixel 2/ Pixel 2 XL users in the coming weeks.
We're rolling out a software update in the coming weeks which eliminates a faint buzzing sound on some Pixel 2 devices when the phone is placed to your ear during a phone call.
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