It's raining Pixel 3 XL leaks nowadays. Yesterday, we saw real life Unboxing video of the device and now, same source from Ukrain has posted another video showing off the Pixel 3 XL and Android 9.0 Pie upcoming features.
The device do looks hot in the video. It is having a display cutout with front facing stereo speakers and dual cameras. The back looks similar to the Pixel 2 XL, also there's no dual cameras.
One thing worth noticing is the Pixel 3 XL Interface. It runs on the latest Android 9.0, we have swipe gesture, new Settings, Notification panel, and more. It looks like the Pixel 3 XL will be coming with the rumored "Always on Display Wallpaper" feature. Just like Samsung AOD themes, the Pixel 3 XL is also having some sort of AOD theme with Pink shade.
Just a few days back, XDA spotted Always On Display wallpaper code in the latest Android 9.0 Pie AOSP source. Looks like it's really coming..
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