Xiaomi is all set to launch the Xiaomi 13 Ultra with Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 and a brightest display at 2600nits. Xiaomi 13 Ultra is coming with a Sci-fi design with leather finish on the back. Xiaomi is using anti-fading and anti-bacterial leather coating on top and I like the finishing and small details they did.
The front still got a center hole punch selfie shooter, but that C7 Display by Xiaomi x China Star seems like the best in the industry. Xiaomi 13 Ultra packs a 6.72" OLED Display with LTPO Technology. There's Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 based on 4nm TSMC Process, Surge P2 and C2 Chip for better power efficiency, and Leica Color Science for best Images,
Sony IMX989 paired with Sony IMX858 will help the Xioami 13 Ultra shoot amazing Day and Night Images. Xiaomi is using variable aperture in the Main sensor with OIS on all four. Are you excited for the Xiaomi 13 Ultra?
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