According to Motorola, Android 7.0 Nougat has begin rolling out to Moto Z and Moto Z Force globally. Android 7.0 comes with hot features, but apart from that, Motorola has also added Google's newest VR "Daydream support" for Moto Z Devices.
With the upgrade to Android 7.0 Nougat, Moto Z and Moto Z Force will be compatible with Daydream, Google’s platform for high-quality, mobile VR. These are the first smartphones from another manufacturer to be recognized by Google as Daydream-ready devices - a distinction given to phones that have been certified for the Daydream platform and are built for VR with high-resolution displays, ultra-smooth graphics and high-fidelity sensors for precise head tracking.
If you haven't got the update on your Moto Z/Z Force, keep checking because it might hit your doors very soon.
Source:- Motorola
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