Email for Your Business: Top Tips and Tricks

Email for Your Business: Top Tips and Tricks


Email for Your Business: Top Tips and Tricks
There is no doubt that email is a big part of our daily life. Everyone uses email nowadays, whether it is for professional or personal purposes. Email is such an important tool that our Android phones and the services we can access on them are tied to our email address (or email addresses).

Thanks to smartphones, Android as a mobile operating system, and the tools and services available for this platform, you can now take emails to the next level even when you’re on the go. As a professional or a business owner, this is a huge plus.

Email for your business is a capable tool, especially when you know how to use it effectively. To help you gain more from the use of business emails, here are some of the top tips and tricks you can use. 

Use Gmail’s Filters

The recently-updated Gmail app now comes with a lot of new tools. Before we get to other tools added in the last update, let’s take a closer look at filters and how they can really help you stay on top of your business-related tasks.

Using filters, you can actually direct emails into groups or folders, mark emails differently based on their content or other parameters, and even let certain emails go straight to archive so that your inbox remains clutter-free. You can start adding filters to your email addresses even when you’re not using Gmail’s email service; the Gmail app supports other email addresses too.

Speaking of the Gmail app, you can also fight spam and unwanted emails by using this app as your default email client. There are other mail apps available for Android, but you can never go wrong with Gmail. 

New Tools at Your Disposal
As mentioned before, the Gmail app was recently updated. Google added a lot of new features that are handy for business users. At the top of that list, there’s the new Snooze functionality. This isn’t a new function in email apps (even Google’s Inbox had it already), but it is the first time the feature has been implemented on Gmail and the native Gmail app.

Another handy feature to use is email scheduling right within the Gmail app. You no longer have to rely on third-party apps just to be able to send emails at certain times. Scheduling allows you to write replies to the emails you receive at night – when distractions are at minimum – and have the replies sent in the morning. 

Know the Etiquette
Just like other business communications, knowing how to use email properly is a huge plus when you are a business owner. Whether you are connecting with the customers, replying to emails from vendors, or trying to build a relationship with new clients or investors, sticking with email etiquette is a must.

Since we’re talking about emails on mobile devices, the first thing to remember is to keep it simple. The recipient is most likely reading the emails you send on a mobile device too and reading long emails on smartphones is never fun.

You also want to keep the subject line clear and concise. Make sure the recipient can get a good idea of what the email is all about from the subject line. After multiple replies, for example, cleaning up the subject line is a good idea. 

Go for Marketing
There are so many other ways to use email, including for promoting your business. You can add a signature to the bottom of every email as a way tolet others know more about your business. When crafted correctly, the email signature you add to every email can be a powerful marketing tool nonetheless.

Another way to use email to boost your business is through newsletters. Once again, putting yourself in the shoes of recipients is how you craft newsletters that are incredibly compelling and effective. You can use newslettertemplates as a starting point. Test different templates and choose one that works well for mobile devices before customising your message further.

Moderation is the key here; it is the key with most email communications. You don’t want to bombard your recipients with emails and marketing materials, so avoid using big signatures that take up half of the smartphone screen. Oh, and make sure you limit your business newsletter’s frequency too. 

Be the Recipient

The things that annoy you as an email user are most likely annoying for others too. Things like using SMS phrases that aren’t always easy to understand in emails and adding a signature to every reply you send (causing several of them to appear in the chain) must be avoided.

Fortunately, you now have more apps to help you use emails effectively. Don’t want to add a signature to replies? Adjust your email settings and you’re good to go. Want to keep your inbox clear from clutter? Use filters and folders to your advantage. You’ll be using emails like a pro before you know it.

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